Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dr. Gordon Klatt: This one's for you!

Once upon a time there was a boy from Tacoma, Washington named Gordon. Maybe his family and friends called him Gordy or Little G or Bubba... maybe not. Anyway, Gordon grew up to be a doctor which is pretty awesome and a profession that any mother and father would be proud of. His patients know him as the colorectal surgeon Dr. Gordon Klatt. The world knows him as the founder of the Relay for Life.

Dr. Klatt had seen a lot of cancer in his office and he was growing frustrated. In May of 1985 Dr. Klatt decided to raise some money for the American Cancer Society. He thought about all the things he could do -- a bake sale, a car wash, maybe hold a rummage sale. But he loved his patients and he wanted to something that really honored him. He had to do something more...

So, he decided to walk.

For 24 straight hours he would walk and he would let friends walk or run with him for 30 minutes if they donated $25. Which they did. A lot of them did. And he raised $27,000. And walked 83 miles.

He could have stopped there, but he didn't. Because he knew there was more to be done. So he thought of how he could get more people involved and more people to do what he did. That's why today the overnight Relay for Life has spread to 21 countries. Countries, people. Twenty one of them.

Dr. Gordon Klatt had made a huge difference in the world of cancer! Not only through his medical practice but also through monetary donatations and the educational awareness the Relay for Life provides.

And then, in a sad twist of irony, the kind that makes you choke back tears and swallow down hard, Dr. Gordon Klatt was diagnosed with cancer.

The doctor becomes the patient.

And cancer proves to us once again she picks whoever she damn well pleases.

Dr. Klatt won't give up fighting. According to the June 5, 2012, Puget Sound Business Journal, he planned on walking at that Friday's Relay for Life for however long he could (given that he's currently undergoing chemotherapy). He's scheduled for surgery within a couple weeks and he'll be tackling his cancer head on, just like he's tackled all his patients' cancers.

Dr. Klatt, this one's for you!

Dr. Gordon Klatt: Relay For Life founder and 2012 Keynote Speaker
Photo by  Rodika Tollefson

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

It's easiest to start with a first step.

I'll admit that when I was asked to do the just 99 cents blog again this year to raise money for the American Cancer Society I wasn't too sure. I mean, last year was awesome! But I hadn't planned anything. I had no preconceived notions. It just came about as a random thought... if each one of my Facebook friends would donate just 99 cents...

that way the burden would be shared...

that way a couple people wouldn't feel all the pressure...

that way a lot of small actions would make one big effect...

that way I wouldn't have to trudge door-to-door begging for a donation...

And it worked. More people than I ever imagined donated 99 cents, or a dollar, or five. Before I knew it I had a total of $727 to donate to the Walworth County Cloggers Relay For Life Team.

But then they wanted me to do it again. And I got nervous. What if it was just a fluke? What if people were tired of donating? It seems every time we turn around we're being asked to give to one worthy cause or another. And the fact is, they are all worthy. What if no one donates anything? What if this fails? What if I fail?

And then I thought what the hell is wrong with me?

Of course I have to try. Of course I have to fight. Of course I have to keep going strong, no matter what... because sitting back and doing nothing is not the answer.

Because if my daughter or my son or my mom or my dad or my brother or my sister or my best friend gets cancer I do not want to look at them and think I could have helped make a difference, but I was too afraid to try.

And I would want them to fight. Every single day. I would want them to get up and keep going... no matter how unsure the outcome would be. I would want them to face the day head on, be strong, and not give up ... because sitting back and doing nothing is not the answer.

Because if all 646 of my Facebook Friends would donate just 99 cents we would make a difference. I promise to collect every piece of spare change I can find and donate it to finding a cure for cancer. And I really hope and pray that you'll help me.

To donate, please use the donate button on the right side of this blog post.
All proceeds will go to the Walworth County Cloggers' 2012 Relay For Life Team to benefit the American Cancer Society.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

We're at it again... 2012, HERE WE COME!

Remember last year when we raised over SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS (just from this little blog!) for the American Cancer Society Relay For Life?

And, remember when I told you about Katelyn... about how her father had just passed away and then she found out her mom, Heidi, who was the captain of the Walworth County Cloggers Relay For Life team had cancer? Yeah, that sucked. Big time sucked. In a way that no kid should ever have to deal with that kind of loss and fear kind of suckage. The kind that makes you so angry and frustrated because it's not fair and there's nothing we can do even though we're grown-ups and we're supposed to be able to fix stuff... so we did what we could and all joined together and put in a dollar - and sometimes a little more - and were able to hand 727 dollars and some odd cents (just from this little blog!) over to Katelyn and say, "here, kid, it's the least we can do" and she was smiling ear-to-ear because she really takes this finding a cure thing seriously.

Well, guess what? Katelyn's mom is doing AWESOME! And she's still our team captain for this year's relay. And not only that.....

Katelyn's Mom is the
2012 Relay for Life Honorary Cancer Survivor!

photo credit: Facebook

It was kept a secret and a really great surprise. And I think everyone cried. I know I did.

So, now I'm getting my butt in gear because in 4 short weeks we're at it again, walking towards a cure... but tonight we're eating towards a cure because the FABULOUS Papa Murphy's Pizza in Delavan, Wisconsin, is donating 20% of all their proceeds today to the Walworth County Cloggers Relay For Life Team. woot! woot! And who doesn't love eating?

For more information on why the Relay is so important to the 65+ dancers that make up the Walworth County Cloggers, read this:  Why We Relay